Many Songs.  Many Voices.  Music For The Human Grace.

Core Values

It is a core value of the Choral Foundation to promote and present repertoire of the highest musical, artistic and poetic quality. Furthermore, it is a core value of our organization to reflect the highest level of excellence in every area of our administrative and organizational life.

It is a core value of the Choral Foundation to reflect a worldwide diversity of cultural experience and expression through our programs, choice of venues and promotional efforts.

It is a core value of the Choral Foundation to provide opportunities for singers, both youth and adults, to perform in excellent choral ensembles appropriate to their interest and abilities. It is a core value of the Choral Foundation to equip music professionals with resources to help them increase their musical and leadership skills toward their own pursuit of excellence.

It is a core value of the Choral Foundation to bring down all barriers to choral enjoyment and performance. This includes a “no barriers” policy toward membership tuition, concert tickets and recordings. No person will ever be denied the benefits of the Choral Foundation based on ability to pay. Further, the Choral Foundation does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, sexual orientation, religion and national origin in its employment and membership policies.

It is a core value of the Choral Foundation to provide educational opportunities for choral enthusiasts and music professionals through our performing ensembles, consulting and partnering efforts. Further, through our varied performance ensembles, the Choral Foundation is committed to music education for all ages from youth to adult.

It is a core value of the Choral Foundation to be involved in the life of our wider community through performance partnerships with community, school and faith-based music organizations, and through concerts that raise awareness and funds for organizations that seek to alleviate human suffering and promote increased opportunity for all people.


         The William Baker Choral Foundation, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation of the State of Kansas.  Licensed for business in the state of Georgia and the state of Missouri.